Navigating The Complexities Of Military Law
Facing any kind of legal challenge when you’re in the military can pose an added layer of difficulty and complexity. Whether you are facing a family law or a criminal law issue, the potential impact on your career and finances could be even greater. In particular, if you are or may be facing criminal charges while serving in the military, you could be subjected to an administrative action or a court-martial, which could have significant, if not life-altering consequences. Likewise, if a military member is facing charges in a local jurisdiction or state court, there almost certainly will be adverse consequences on base as well.
In these instances, it’s important to have an attorney who understands both the criminal processes and their impact on your military career. As a former JAG and a criminal defense attorney with over 15 years of experience, J. Randall Hicks has the knowledge and understanding of criminal and military law issues to protect your interests, particularly with cases involving adverse actions, including courts-martial, administrative actions or an administrative discharge.
Protecting Your Rights And Your Career
As a trial lawyer, Randy Hicks has the courtroom experience to defend you, no matter the allegations. In criminal matters, we can explore the impact the allegations could have on your career. In some instances, it’s absolutely imperative to retain counsel, even when the circumstances might not seem that dire. For example, pursuant to federal law, a person convicted of misdemeanor that involves domestic violence can never posses a firearm. Likewise, even a traffic offense such as a high-speed speeding ticket (a “super speeder” ticket as they’re known in Georgia), can impact a pilot’s standing in the military.
Whatever the circumstances, we can help you evaluate your situation and come up with a comprehensive legal strategy to help allay your fears and stresses.
Serving Military Personnel On Moody Air Force Base And Beyond
For a free consultation with an experienced Valdosta military law attorney, call J. Randall Hicks, P.C., at 229-262-3230 or use the contact form.